Community Power Hub

Our Community Power Hub empowers communities across the Loddon Mallee region to get community owned renewable energy projects in their neighbourhood. Supported by Sustainability Victoria, we’re helping locals transition to a low carbon, clean energy future!

Community energy has so much to offer for the region because of the economic, social and environmental benefits of renewable energy.

What we’re up to

Heathcote Sustainable Community House Fundraiser

Target: $5000
Accepting Donations

Heathcote Community House is fundraising to install a roof top solar panel system on their building. Their aim is to become more energy efficient and save on their electricity bills. The payback period could be under five years and the saved funds can be used to increase their services and maintain their facilities. The project will also allow them to connect with their community about the benefits of rooftop solar and the processes to assess energy efficiency in local homes!

100% of your donation will go to this project. Please include ‘Heathcote Community House’ as a reference in your donation.

What we’ve done

  • Solar on Low Income Homes

    This project was a collaboration with Bendigo Community Health Services, who identified 15 low-income families in the Bendigo region as suitable for the installation of 3.6kW rooftop solar systems.

    The project raised a total of $24,000 through generous donations from the Bendigo community.

    Solar 1 Electrical, a local Bendigo business, were contracted for the installation. Christopher, the Solar Sales Manager said, “I was delighted to be able to help so many families. The entire team across all divisions of Bendigo Community Health Services and the Community Power Hub were great to deal with and made the project one I am very proud to be a part of.”

  • Echuca Neighbourhood House

    This community installed a rooftop solar system so they could save money on expensive power bills and contribute to the renewable energy transition.

    Community Power Hub Loddon Mallee helped with technical support, sourcing quotes, and managing paperwork, including advocating for a significant rebate.

    With the Community power Hub taking on a lot of the administration and access to rebates, Echuca Neighbourhood House Committee were able to afford the upfront cost of the system.

  • Bendigo Woollen Mills

    A former coal fired power station now powered by clean energy!

    Community Power Hub Loddon Mallee funded the installation of this rooftop solar, which the Bendigo Woollen Mills will pay back through the savings on their energy bills.

    Working with Cola Solar we were able to facilitate the installation of a 96kW system, made up of 214 panels, in a way that worked for this historic site.

  • Swan Hill Neighbourhood House

    Funded through our Revolving Energy Fund, the Swan Hill Neighborhood House now has a 16 kW solar PV system, bringing them significant financial benefits and reducing running costs for the local food hub. The Neighbourhood House will use the savings from their system to invest in more programs and activities for their community, spreading the benefits even further.

  • Quarry Hill Golf Club

    Quarry Hill Golf Club, with support from the Community Power Hub, raised enough funds to install 6.6 kW of solar panels on their clubhouse. The money saved by the club on their electricity costs will be put to good use on providing a course that will be better enjoyed by golfers, disc golfers, walkers and others. The club is aware of the benefits to the environment that generating the majority of their energy locally from a renewable source will have too!

  • Maryborough Community House

    We helped Maryborough Community House raise funds to install their own 6.3 kW rooftop solar system and become a more energy efficient house. The money they save on their energy bills will be put back into the community in the form of more services, facilities and help.

    Secretary of the Community House Committee, Carolyn Eldridge, said the solar system will reduce their power bills by more than half while also reducing reliance on burning coal for energy.

    ‘The money saved on our electricity costs will be better spent on more activities based at the house, and this is good for our community.’

  • Hazeldene’s Chicken Farm

    The Community Power Hub Loddon Mallee team funded and facilitated the installation of two 99 kW solar PV systems at Hazeldene’s Chicken Farm. The business is now running on clean energy and the repayment of this project allowed the BSG to create the Revolving Energy Fund, which will see many more renewable energy projects installed in our region.

  • PepperGreen Farm

    Through our Revolving Energy Fund, the Community Power Hub team funded and facilitated the installation of a 50 kW solar system at PepperGreen Farm. This substantial solar system will save PepperGreen Farm around $9K per annum – funds that will be much better spent on upgrading facilities to make the farm more accessible to all abilities and provide increased opportunity for employment to people experiencing disability or disadvantage.

  • Mildura Eco Village

    The Power Hub team worked with Mildura Rural City Council to install a 47.5 kW solar PV system at the Mildura Eco Village, a four hectare sustainable living site that includes an Education Centre, Community Garden and Eco House.