Bendigo Sustainability Festival 2025 is coming

Now a hallmark of Bendigo’s annual event calendar, the Bendigo Sustainability Festival will be back in 2025 to engage, empower and inspire positive action in our community. Want to get involved? There is a role for you. Get in touch now by emailing us at

We are seeking young people, from ages 5-25, to get involved with our festival to lead activities for others, help us organise the stalls, speakers and stage performances. They are invited to play, dance, sing, speak, create and show their art, participate in a recycled sustainable fashion show, tell stories, share their talents, knowledge and perspective at the festival and be part of an extraordinary community event.

Lead or join in?

So, if you are a young person, or know a young person or group of young people who may want to get involved, to either lead and be in charge of the festival or to join and participate in festival events and activities, we want to hear from you and them!!

Please email us now at or complete the form below.

Want to be a stallholder in 2025?

Stallholders will be able to showcase their sustainable products, services, and initiatives that offer sustainable solutions for both businesses and householders across Central Victoria.

Want to be a sponsor in 2025?

Position your business or organisation as a supporter of sustainability and be a sponsor of the Bendigo Sustainability Festival. Your stall in a premium location, logo on promotional materials, social media promotion, BSG website listing and conduct a scheduled presentation on stage (Platinum and Gold only).

For all enquiries contact