Many Hands
The 2025 Bendigo Sustainabilty Festival
Let’s build a sustainable future together.
What’s on show at the EV Expo?
Paul’s Tesla: “No oil, no petrol, no fumes.”
“I have clocked up over 200,000 km and the car has never had to be serviced. Virtually all of my mileage has been by way of charging at home using my solar panels. No oil or petrol has been used. No gushing of exhaust fumes and although I bought the car for altruistic reasons it has paid off handsomely. Amazingly, when I took refuse to the tip a few weeks ago the lady at the weigh bridge remarked how light the car was. I bought the car for about $56,000 which I would imagine is cheaper than many of the SUV’s on the road.”
Julie’s MG4
My MG4 EV has done close to 40,000kms. Happy to discuss it. I've had it for over a year and I'm confident to talk about it with any interested festival attendees.
Sparque’s E-Bikes
Come and explore e-bike technology. All e-bikes in our range are purposely designed as e-bikes, giving you the most comfortable and safe riding experience and confidence that all components are fit for purpose.
How do you get involved?
Simply come along on the day (pay your $5 donation entry) or send us an email by clicking the link below to have a stall, participate in the talent show, art show, or sustainable fashion show, run a workshop, run an activity, come and volunteer. Anything you want to do for the festival, any way you want to work with us, is indeed possible… please get in touch!